Supply Chain Monitoring - Customer Preferences
Your preferences have been successfully submitted! We'll adjust our service delivery based on your requirements.

Organization Information

Key Stakeholders & Roles

Please identify the key stakeholders in your organization who will be using our supply chain monitoring service:

Shipment Volume Information

Breakdown by Mode of Transport

Please provide an approximate percentage breakdown of your shipments by mode:

Alert Preferences

Alert Types

Which types of alerts are important to your organization?

AI-Based Alert Thresholds

Our AI automatically assesses optimal condition parameters based on the type of goods being shipped. You can choose to:

Alert Delivery Methods

How would you like to receive alerts?


Report Preferences

Report Types

Which types of reports would you like to receive?

Report Content Preferences

Please rank the importance of the following information in your reports (1-5, 5 being most important):

Information Type Importance (1-5)
Condition Data (temperature, humidity, light)
ETA Updates
Exception Reports (issues only)
Cost Impact Analysis
Sustainability Metrics
Shipping Line Performance
Breakdown of Transport Modes

Report Delivery Methods

How would you like to receive reports?

Daily Summary

Weekly Summary

Monthly Summary

Shipment Context Information

Which of the following shipment documentation would you be able to provide to enhance our AI context analysis?

Product-Specific Monitoring Requirements

Please provide details on specific products that require special monitoring considerations:

Claims Assistance

We can assist with claims management for damaged or unfit goods using our collected data.

Additional Information or Requirements

Feedback Process

How would you prefer to provide feedback on our service?